This award presentation is to UT management representatives Yudhistira Jati (Administration Department Head UT-Palembang), Meyta Hutapea, and Salma Asrorie from Corporate Communication UT Head Office.

This award presentation is to UT management representatives Yudhistira Jati (Administration Department Head UT-Palembang), Meyta Hutapea, and Salma Asrorie from Corporate Communication UT Head Office.

Belitung, August 4th,2023 – PT United Tractors Tbk (UT) once more showed its success in implementing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI), and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) aspects in its business operations. This is demonstrated through the 2023 Indonesia DEI & ESG Awards (IDEAS), held by Humas Indonesia at the Urbanview Hotel Belitung, Bangka Belitung Islands Province.

The awards that UT won were in the ESG practice-based strategic public relations program category, the public/community relations sub-category through the UT Fostered Schools (SOBAT), and the Stunting Alleviation programs. This award was given to UT management representatives Yudhistira Jati (Administration Department Head UT-Palembang), Meyta Hutapea, and Salma Asrorie from Corporate Communication UT Head Office.

UT’s Head of Corporate Communication, Himawan Sutanto, said this appreciation has further motivated UT to maintain sustainability consistently through various initiatives and contributions in DEI and ESG practices.

“UT would like gratitude for the appreciation was given, this award further encourages us to be more enthusiastic in carrying out and communicating aspects of DEI and ESG in the future. We hope that all the initiatives we carry out can have a positive impact on the people of Indonesia, especially in terms of health and improving the quality of education,” said Himawan Sutanto.

IDEAS 2023 carries “Nature Reveals Civilization” as the theme making it a barometer of the achievement of communication programs related to DEI and ESG issues from July 2022 to April 2023. Humas Indonesia awarded this award to companies that successfully implement DEI and ESG communication.

The success achieved by UT at the 2023 IDEAS event is clear evidence of UT’s commitment to deliver a positive impact to the nation and its success in communicating aspects of DEI and ESG. Through a good communication strategy, the organization can feel the benefits of implementing DEI and ESG in various aspects ranging from social, cultural, and environmental to economic.

The Founder and CEO of Humas Indonesia, Asmono Wikan, also highlighted the critical role of public relations in communicating DEI and ESG. “Currently the international world is focus attention to DEI and ESG implementation. Meanwhile, investors pay close attention to the application of ESG to evaluate company performance as a consideration for their investment plans. The communication aspect also plays an important role in realizing the values contained in DEI and ESG,” Asmono Wikan said.

The assessment of this category is based on systematic, measurable, and sustainable communication strategies and programs based on policies related to DEI and ESG, clarity of objectives (SMART Objectives) and intended stakeholders, media strategies and tactics used, as well as measurement, evaluation, and impact of communication programs for stakeholders.

In implementing the stunting eradication program in Indonesia, UT consistently organizes training for posyandu cadres in all branches and sites and outreach to the community for specific nutrition interventions and reducing stunting rates. In addition, UT is also collaborating with KG Media and BKKBN through the Universal Preventing Stunting program with the #CukupDuaTelur Movement.

Meanwhile, SOBAT is a program designed to increase the capacity of schools to be competitive, resilient and impact the surrounding area. SOBAT has several indicators, such as creating quality graduates/HR who can work with experts according to their fields, building a good school reputation and becoming a leading school in their area, and creating achievements in technical and non-technical sciences. The SOBAT program has coached 1,614 schools and 4,728 teachers throughout Indonesia.

Through this award, UT hopes to spur and increase its contribution to positive changes to build a more inclusive and sustainable future. Apart from UT, Astra Group also received this award, including PT Astra International Tbk, PT Astra Tol Nusantara (ASTRA Infra), and PT Astra Honda Motor.


United Tractors’ Overview

PT United Tractors Tbk (UT) which is known as the largest heavy equipment distributor in Indonesia has been established since 1972. Currently, UT has grown and has five business pillars, namely Construction Machinery, Mining Contracting, Mining, Construction Industry, and Energy. As its contributions to the achievement of Sustainable Development targets (SDGs). UT consistently carries out activities to uphold sustainability.

ESG United Tractors

As a world-class heavy equipment, mining and energy company with more than 50 years of experience in Indonesia, UT is committed to presenting a sustainable future for Indonesia through the effective application of ESG principles by paying attention to the environment, having a good impact on society, and upholding good corporate governance. good corporate governance at all levels of its business operations, as well as optimizing its competencies, expertise, and strategic assets to bring added value to all stakeholders and the Indonesian people.

For more information, please contact:


Sara K. Loebis

Head of Corporate Governance and Sustainability Division

PT United Tractors Tbk

Email :

Address : Jl. Raya Bekasi Km.22 Cakung, Jakarta Timur 13910

Telp. : (62-21) 3511961, Fax : (62-21) 3441413

Medsos : IG (@unitedtractorsofficial & @ceritadi.ut)


LinkedIn: PT United Tractors Tbk